This website is dedicated to the legacy of
Darrell Craig's HOUSTON BUDOKAN Inc.
Sensei Craig has retired and is no longer teaching the Classical Martial Arts of Japan.
Much of his knowledge and teachings have been captured in his Books.
Under the direction of Kyoshi Shihan Craig
The Houston Budokan served as a center for the study of the traditional martial arts of Japan and Okinawa for 50 Years. Here, the students had available to them instruction in an unusually broad range of forms and disciplines taught with the central purpose of enhancing the student's physical and mental well-being. Darrell Max Craig has black belts in ten different martial arts. In 1973 he was awarded the title of Shihan or master teacher--the equivalent of a knighthood in Japan and an honor rarely bestowed upon foreigners. Darrell Max Craig is now retired and working on his next novel.
Kyoshi Shihan Craig
Although retired, Sensi Craig’s legacy will live on in the hundreds of martial artists he trained and inspired
Author Darrell Max Craig
Darrell Craig’s books on the classic martial arts have evolved into a series of novels about turn of the century Japan